Thursday, 22 September 2016


Greetings.  I play on an assortment of worlds on the US server of Forge of Empires as xivarmy.  My main worlds are Langendorn, Parkog, and Vingrid.  I spend a lot of time analysing the myriad of systems in the game and frequently find myself trying to help others with questions about how best to accomplish their goals.  Often these answers are rather long-winded and so i'm going to start collecting them here along with occasionally some of the analyses i do for my own sake and noone asked to see.  Hopefully someone finds some use :)

1 comment:

  1. I'll put that in queue for a more thorough treatment - but quick answers now:

    self-level and advertise, when : when decent sized arcs (reward + 30%) can break even on your building safely (lock their spots and break even), it's safe to advertise - you may get the arc owners, or you may get someone who wants the blueprints for cheap - either way it's a fair deal at that point and someone will grab it. Alternatively if all the FP rewards are already grabbed up, 50 or so FP remaining and there's still some blueprints available it's not unreasonable to advertise still - you might not finish it for a day or so but maybe someone wants those blueprints (or maybe not).

    are swaps universally a good idea : they're simple - they're not inherently fair, they can and are exploited by some, but finding people to agree to more complex systems is difficult and they're at least not horribly unfair (at least you did get someone to spend the same FP on your building even if you don't wind up with the amount of rewards you 'should' be due - if you're not getting any rewards at all you can explore swapping with different people or different styles of swap more appropriate to your playing frequency, level of advancement, etc. For instance, i would not recommend someone who finds 5 fp a day a lot to jump on swaps for my more mobile great buildings that can level in a week and will possibly require 100+ FP just to take 5th)
